Author: CatOkamura

“Magic Camera”

I jokingly refer to my iphone as a "magic camera". This is because at least half of the time an image I think I'm taking a picture of appears as something else through the lens. Actually I have come to appreciate this little piece of technology that steals so much of our precious time. Without it I wouldn't be able to share natures amazing pieces of art-and you wouldn't be able to enjoy them. So here's to you you wonderful little magic box, keep up the good work, but don't get so personal


As you may have noticed most of my Instagram transformative shapes are animals, dragons, ET's or fantasy creatures. I think this is due to the fact I relate more to the animal kingdom and other-worldly realm. As a child I loved to draw animals, mostly horses since they were my favorite. In fact I loved everything about horses! Never satisfied with my own "juvenile" versions of art, I found I did better when copying instructional images or a picture that resonated with me. I could never find a way to recreate the images in my head onto paper and thus found


With over 1,000+ usable pictures to choose from this can present a challenge. Over time I've learned to narrow it down to the obvious silhouettes. These I try to transfer to Procreate the same day the pictures were taken. It also requires marking the originals for reference, but if they're particularly engaging and diverse I'll re-send them for future transformations. As the material broadens to more distinct subject matter I find myself becoming a little more selective about the quality of the image: How can this image best be expressed? Would this be a good use of my time? Is this easily


In case you didn't already know-I reside in California, just a hop and skip from beautiful downtown San Diego. My preference is a less populated area with easy access to natures resources. I love being outdoors and especially near lakes, rocks and trees. They provide such an amazing and unlimited source of inspiration. Most of my cloud pictures are taken right outside my door, which is why you will often see residential "graffiti" encroaching along the edges of a picture. I suppose I could try and edit them out, and maybe I will-someday. Like so many of my other pictures, clouds come

Welcome to my blog…

Here you will find insights about my art transformation process, and hopefully provide a little input about how my mind works.   I… …do not take any artificial substances to assist with my creative transformations, not that I have anything against it. This question comes up occasionally so I thought I would address it here. My work is fueled by 100% pure imagination …have a quirky sense of humor that I hope is felt through my artwork.  …am an equal-opportunity artist. This simply means whatever I see, or evolves once I start working, is what I share. Sometimes a picture is used more than