

With over 1,000+ usable pictures to choose from this can present a challenge.

Over time I’ve learned to narrow it down to the obvious silhouettes. These I try to transfer to Procreate the same day the pictures were taken. It also requires marking the originals for reference, but if they’re particularly engaging and diverse I’ll re-send them for future transformations.

As the material broadens to more distinct subject matter I find myself becoming a little more selective about the quality of the image: How can this image best be expressed? Would this be a good use of my time? Is this easily relatable? This is due in part to my followers, I like to keep you engaged and inspire your imagination. But that’s not all…

More importantly-is it motivating me to step outside the box? Is it helping me push my creative boundaries? Do I feel a level of excitement and pride with this piece? As my experience grows, so does my ability to listen to the energy IN the image. It becomes less about creating something relatable and more about WHO does this image want to speak to.

I am learning to step aside from my insecurities regarding WHAT people might think and listening more to my inner voice and compass. Through this process I trust whatever needs to be seen, heard or felt is beyond my small human existence. WE are more than we think.

As always, I am eternally grateful to serve in this manner, for as long as I’m needed…

Thank you for being a part of it. Together we can change our world.
