

As you may have noticed most of my Instagram transformative shapes are animals, dragons, ET’s or fantasy creatures. I think this is due to the fact I relate more to the animal kingdom and other-worldly realm.

As a child I loved to draw animals, mostly horses since they were my favorite. In fact I loved everything about horses! Never satisfied with my own “juvenile” versions of art, I found I did better when copying instructional images or a picture that resonated with me. I could never find a way to recreate the images in my head onto paper and thus found the process very frustrating. Once I hit adulthood this hobby faded away as other interests caught my attention.

It wasn’t until the last eleven years or so I realized I was gifted with an amazing imagination and intuitive ability. To be more specific, it became more amplified the beginning of 2020. At first it would show up when I allowed my thinking mind to step aside, usually for a personal project I felt needed something more. Now all I need to do is just start the editing process once the pictures are taken. I still can’t translate (via drawing, painting or sketching) what I see in my imagination and dreams directly. Thank goodness nature provides the canvas, she does a much better job.

Back to shapes…I guess the best way to explain it would be my mind identifies with animals like dogs, cats, elephants and birds the easiest, especially for the shadows and silhouettes. Maybe this is because they’re animals we see everyday, and have such a personal affinity with. For these images its best to not complicate them with too much detail. I suspect the more experience I accumulate and stretch my creative boundaries, the more diverse characters will emerge.

Dragons and the other-worldly realm (cloud) shapes are here to stay though, I suspect they use my vision as a platform for others to see too. I have to admit-I do find them intriguing, especially since I never know how they will turn out until I’m finished. Oh, and I can’t leave out the little humorous creatures that like to show up occasionally, they always carry joy and make me smile.

Until next time, thank you for reading and following my work.
