Welcome to my blog…

Welcome to my blog…

Here you will find insights about my art transformation process, and hopefully provide a little input about how my mind works.  


…do not take any artificial substances to assist with my creative transformations, not that I have anything against it. This question comes up occasionally so I thought I would address it here. My work is fueled by 100% pure imagination

…have a quirky sense of humor that I hope is felt through my artwork.

 …am an equal-opportunity artist. This simply means whatever I see, or evolves once I start working, is what I share. Sometimes a picture is used more than once, but with a different interpretation. Its as if there are multiple dimensions in one picture, after the initial expression is finished another appears afterwards. This happens most often with clouds.

…don’t see in terms of an image being “good or bad”, everything has its own energy and place in the universe. I also try to come from the highest energetic intention available to me at the time.

…am very intuitive. It has taken me many years to recognize and nurture this gift. Sometimes I will “title” a piece, this is what I hear prior to posting. If there’s a message with it I will include that also.

…sense when to take a picture, and another, and another…it’s as though a doorway to a hidden world opens.

…use Procreate for bringing the faces and shapes I see to life. Fortunately my oldest son taught me some basic skills. You can see over time how my postings have evolved. I hope to continue to expand my knowledge and expression even more.

…like to share what I see. Nature has an unlimited canvas if we take the time to visit her-along with our imagination!

The gift of seeing faces (in almost everything) didn’t “officially” start at this level until April 2020, after being laid off due to Covid. It started with giant boulders near my house and progressed to clouds, trees, bark, shadows, water spots, and pretty much anything else. I also have lovely friends who share their pictures with me to see what I see or to share them with the world through my process. I consider this an honor. Not all content is transformable-depending on the quality.

All of my picture captures are taken by me, with my iPhone, unless otherwise stated.

My Instagram page originally started out as a way to introduce my (newly created) webpage and intuitive artwork. I had no idea it would be so popular and speak to so many. It is a pleasant surprise nonetheless.

That’s all I have to share for my first attempt at “blogging”. I hope this has provided you with a little more insight into Cats_Conscious_Creations.

Thank you for taking the time to visit.

Until next time…keep using your imagination!


  • Wow, what a video it is! Actually fastidious feature video, the lesson given in this video is actually informative. Alessandra Joe Omura

    December 10, 2020at8:10 am